Monday, April 11, 2011


         On Thursday, April 11, 2011, my classmate, Dee and I, went to Huntington Beach to do the art video project.  It was very exciting to do this project.  We spent about two hours  finishing this project.  We recorded the colors of the ocean, seagulls, sand, etc.   My classmate recorded this video.  I presented on this video.  We hope you enjoy our video.
        I thought the colors of sand were just browns, but as I looked deeply, I found the colors of sand to be very different and of many colors and brightness.  When I first saw the water as the beach, I saw the blue colors.  As I came closer, I found the colors of water are also brown, green, and gray.  I felt relaxed when I heard the sound of waves coming and going on the sand and smelled the salt in the air and tasted it in my mouth.

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